Are the diamond point numbers the same as those of dmc?

DMC stands for Dollfus-Mieg and Company. They use the same color code that is used for the embroidery thread (DMC number). It is the most popular yarn in the world. That's why it's easy to keep track of your drills and add new ones to your existing collections of other paintings.

But still, check the colors just in case before mixing the diamonds. When learning to paint with diamonds, things like DMC color charts can seem confusing. The good news, however, is that they are quite simple. DMC numbers are just an easy way to label colors and distinguish between similar shades of the same color.

Understanding DMC's color chart for diamond painting is very easy once you get the hang of it. Let's start with the fact that DMC, Diamond Dotz and AB drills are all diamond painting bits. There are 447 different DMC numbers together, which means there are 447 different colored diamonds available for use when painting with diamonds. However, the main difference is that the diamond painting chart features close-up images of additional rhinestones that can be used to determine the color you have.